Monday 19 December 2011

Christmas Lunch

The club's 2012 Christmas party was held on the 15th December with about 100 members taking part in the festivities.

After a lovely lunch of baramundi or roast chicken followed by Pavlova or an enormous helping of chocolate mud cake we got down to the serious business of drawing the raffle. It seemed as if nearly everybody received a prize; there were bottles of wine, chocolates, toiletries, biscuits and other delights too numerous to mention.

During the fun Santa popped in bearing gifts of lollies and goodwill. At the end of the raffle he stayed to be photographed with members before he headed off home to the north pole (or where ever it is he comes from).

Looking forward to 2012 when we can start all over again.

Members meet Santa Claus

Thursday 15 December 2011

Merry Christmas

We have come to the end of the club's 2011 year so we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy Yew Year.

Our Christmas Lunch held at Kembla Grange Golf Club was well attended and the food was delicious. Many happy members won some of the lovely prizes in the raffle and a number had their photograph taken with Santa.
The club will restart in 2012 with our first meeting and AGM on the 19th January 2012 in the hall.

See you all next year...