Thursday 5 October 2017

Next Meeting–19th October 2017

All the usual fun starting at 10.30 am but get there early for a chat, a cup of tea and cake or biscuits. New members are always very welcome.


At this meeting we are raffling a flat screen TV. Amazingly three tickets are only $2 – The winning ticket will be drawn at the end of this meeting so make sure that you are in the draw by purchasing your lucky tickets before the meeting starts.

As well as the special raffle of a TV tickets are available in our meeting raffle it is also drawn at the end of each meeting with three cash prizes:

  • $50
  • $20
  • $10

These regular fortnightly prizes make your membership worth while don’t they? the first prize alone will pay for a couple of our regular lunches. Tickets are only $1 for three.

Please note that raffle tickets can only be sold to club members.

Bus Trip

Our next bus trip is on the 6th November with a visit to Old Government House at Parramatta. As well as a guided tour of the fabulous house the visit includes a wonderful exhibition of Georgian Glass made between 1700 and 1840. How fascinating is that?

Tickets are only $23 and will be on sale at the meeting, get in early because these tickets go very quickly.


Just a reminder too that we have activities every day of the week - just click on the “Club Activities” tab at the top of the page to find out more.

Fathers’ Day Concert

Finally a few photos from our successful Fathers’ Day Concert last month. Afterwards the audience was treated to a light snack, tea, coffee and a massive door prize draw. It was so much fun for all concerned.

170911 004 Dapto Seniors Fathers Day Concert

170911 005 Dapto Seniors Fathers Day Concert

170911 007 Dapto Seniors Fathers Day Concert

The Dapto Seniors’ concert group is always on the look out for performers, singers, indeed artists of any kind, there is a place for everybody in the club's concert group. You will be made very welcome. The group rehearses every Monday at 12.30pm in Heininger Hall so why not pop in and see if this is an activity for you?