Tuesday 2 July 2024

Dapto Seniors' Birthday Lunch

 Friday, 23rd August 2024

Note that date in your diary!

At 11.30am in the Sinclair Room at Dapto Leagues Club we will gather for our annual lunch to celebrate the formation of this branch 62 years ago.


 Tickets will be on sale at our meetings between now and (including) the 8th August. The cost is still only $30 per person.

As usual there will be a fine two course banquet, the usual prize draw and lots of mingling with your friends. It will be a fun occasion.

Looking forward to seeing you there...

Thursday 13 June 2024

It's Nearly Time For Our AGM

 Dapto Seniors' AGM will be held on:

8th August 2024

Nomination forms will be available from the next meeting (27th June 2024).

Please put yourself forward to make our branch better than ever.

Friday 23 February 2024

March Meetings

 There are two meetings in March (as there are every month) on the 2nd and 4th Thursday.

ie 14th March and 28th March

Our meetings still start at 10:30am in Heininger Hall but be sure to come early to get your free copy of The Senior newspaper, buy your raffle tickets, browse the trade table for bargains and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee as you chat to friends.


At the meeting on the 28th March we have a very important speaker talking to us about Seniors' Rights - this should be of interest to all members.

See you there...