Saturday 28 July 2012

27th July - Cockatoo Island

The 2012 Biennale of Sydney

On Friday the 27th July the walking group met at Dapto Railway Station to travel to Sydney. On this occasion the group were visiting the Biennale Exhibition on Cockatoo Island.

The train took the group to Martin Place Station where they walked down to Circular Quay for breakfast. After the small meal they caught a ferry to the island.

The exhibits were scattered throughout the various buildings, some of the art was much enjoyed by the group, some just confused, while other pieces left them bemused. Whatever their reaction everybody enjoyed wandering about this old industrial site taking in the sights and sounds.

The group had bought their own lunch which was eaten overlooking the harbour on a glorious winter's day, the weather was perfect.

After exploring the island and visiting as many of the exhibits as possible the group returned to the wharf to catch the ferry back to Circular Quay where they, once again, returned to Martin Place for the train back to Dapto. Everybody had an enjoyable day and decided to return in two years time.

Thursday 19 July 2012

A Federal Visitor

Stephen Jones MP Visits

Mr Jones mingled with members before the meeting then gave a short talk where he referred to the very active roll the club played in the community before he dealt with some of the Federal issues concerning older people. He briefly touched on pension indexation and supplementary payments before going on to the subject of climate change. Mr Jones explained that the government was making small changes now so that our children and grandchildren didn't have to make massive changes later.

Stephen Jones MP with our President Brian Green

He then raised the subject of working after retirement and explained some of the recent changes enacted to allow people who wished to work after retirement age keep more of what they earned and even still retain some state assistance. Finally he talked about measures the government was putting in place to deal with the ageing population but ended by saying that the ageing population should not be viewed as a problem but actually a testament to the great country we live in because people are living longer and living more fulfilled lives. He then invited questions from members.

Club members threw up topics as diverse as arrangements for carers, immigration policy, employment and the NBN which Mr Jones answered thoroughly and in some cases took member's details for a more detailed answer later.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Next Meeting - 19th July

A visit by Stephen Jones MP

The Federal Member for Throsby, Mr Stephen Jones is visiting the club. He will arrive a short while before the meeting to mingle and meet members and will address the meeting on issues relevant to seniors. Afterwards he will take questions.

The meeting will undoubtedly go on slightly longer than usual but we will endeavour to speed though the rest of the agenda items.

As usual the meeting will start promptly at 10.30 and the first item will be Mr Jones's address so don't forget to come early:

  • Buy your raffle tickets to win one of three $10 prizes.
  • Book a computer lesson
  • Get your name down for one of the hit shows booking this year.
  • Get your tea/coffee and biscuits.
  • Have a look for a bargain on the trade table.
  • Pick up a copy of The Senior Newspaper and/or The Voice when they are available.

See you there...

Thursday 12 July 2012

Monthly Bus Trip

Old Government House, Parramatta

On Monday 2nd July the bus took members of Dapto Seniors to Old Government House situated in the park right in the centre of Parramatta. It was a most interesting visit with our guides being both knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the historic property. Everybody remarked how much they enjoyed the trip and how the time just flew as they were shown around the beautifully restored Georgian Mansion.

Afterwards we visited Parramatta Leagues Club for lunch, the less said about this club the better. Let's just say we won't be going there again.

Our next trip is on the 6th August when we will visit The Opera Centre in Surry Hills. This is where all the costumes, wigs and props are made for the dazzling shows the Australian Opera puts on at the wonderful Sydney Opera House. It should be another entertaining visit.

Tickets for the bus are only $25 which includes morning tea. We hope you will be able to join us.