Saturday 14 June 2014

Next Meeting - 19th June 2014

The meeting starts promptly at 10.30 am

Don't forget to come early:

  • Buy your raffle tickets to win one of either $20 or two $10 prizes.
  • Book a computer lesson
  • Get your name down for one of the hit shows booking this year.
  • Enjoy a tea/coffee and biscuits.
  • Have a look for a bargain on the trade table.
  • Pick up a copy of The Senior Newspaper and/or The Voice when they are available.
  • Pay an instalment on our Spring Holiday.

During the meeting there will be the usual short reports about the various activities the club offers its members and you are able to bring up matters of interest to members during General Business - don't be afraid to speak up if there is something that concerns you, this is YOUR club.

The meeting usually finishes between 11 and 11.30am.

New members are most welcome to come along and find out about the club, there is a short newsletter available for new or potential members at the raffle/signing in table which details coming events and contact details for the various group leaders. Please take one.

Bus Trips

The next bus trip is to Glenalvon House on the 7th July. This historic Georgian house is also the home of the historic gravestone of pioneer James Ruse. After the visit the group will adjourn to Campbelltown Catholic Club for lunch


Spring Holiday

There is still time to join us on the spring holiday to the Snowy Mountains. Apart from exploring the Snowy Mountains a highlight of this trip will be a visit to the coast and a whale watching cruise. The holiday is six days from 26th to the 31st October 2014, if it is anything like our previous holidays it will be a lot of fun.

If you want to take part put your name down at this meeting.