Sunday 19 February 2012

24th February - Walking Group

The next walk on the Friday 24th February is a new one made possible by the inclusion of the light rail in the Pensioner Excursion ticket.

The Dapto Seniors' walking group will catch the light rail at Central Railway Station after a short morning tea break and travel to the Rozelle Bay Tram Stop.

We will follow the route outlined below enjoying the views of the bay and the ANZAC Bridge as we make our way to finish at either the Wentworth Park or the Fish Market tram stop. A decision about this will be made on the day. You can bring your own lunch or purchase something along the way (perhaps at the fish markets?).

The distance of the walk is about 3 Km.

View Rozelle to Wentworth Park in a larger map

As usual the group will meet in the Dapto Railway Station waiting room at about 7.40am to catch the 7.55am Sydney train. If you are late we will be in the second carriage. Please join us, you will be made very welcome.