Monday 9 January 2012

First Meeting for 2012

It's nearly time! Don't forget that 19th January 2012 is the date of our first meeting and AGM.

The meeting will be held in the hall in Heininger House on the highway right in the centre of Dapto at 10.30am but you are encouraged to come early for a cup of tea, a chance to buy a raffle ticket for one of our three $10 prizes, browse the bargains available on the trade table and, most importantly on this occasion, to pay your annual membership subscription.

This year membership is still only $12. If you did not get an envelope from the secretary either at the last meeting or the Christmas lunch then you can print out your own on a C6 envelope using our template. To download the form click here

Looking forward to seeing you there, why not bring a friend?

The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The meeting will commence with a short AGM where all committee positions are declared vacant and elections held.

Please support your club by volunteering for one of the many roles available, either on the committee or in a subsidiary position, your help even in the kitchen before a meeting is much appreciated and an example of one of the many ways you can help keeping our club running smoothly.

Do you have an idea for a group activity, a games night or something else members would enjoy? Don't be afraid to come forward with your ideas.

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