Thursday 12 April 2018

Social Day Out

12th April 2018

It was mid morning as members made their way to Integral Energy Park and the Motorlife Museum’s Brabham Room for the club’s annual Social Day Out.

Maureen had organised her probing trivia quiz so there was plenty of chat and happy banter as the group tucked into the lovely cakes and slices for morning tea while they puzzled over the questions.

180412 006 Seniors Social Day Out Integral Energy Park

The chicken lunch arrived on cue at midday which cut the buzz of conversation to a minimum but once the food had been devoured the laughter and conversation started up again.

The temperature outside was 35°C; far too hot for the outdoor games that had been planned so members stayed in the air conditioned comfort and enjoyed each others company.

180412 009 Seniors Social Day Out Integral Energy Park

The President thanked our organiser for arranging such a splendid outing and members are already looking forward to the next one.


Talking of next events – don’t forget the Mothers’ Day Concert is rapidly approaching:

Place: Heininger Hall
Time: 1.30pm
Date: 14th May 2018
Cost: Free entry but a gold coin donation to help toward the cost of food is very welcome.

Looking forward to seeing you there.